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Scoring Metrics


Antigranular is not just a platform. It's a competition, a race to be at the forefront of privacy-first data science. And what better way to track this race than with our dynamic leaderboards?

Just like you'd find on Kaggle or DrivenData, our leaderboards rank participants based on their performance in the competition. But here's the Antigranular twist: we also take into account the privacy budget.

When you make a submission, we split it into two subsets. The live leaderboard reflects the results based on one subset of your submission, with its own differential privacy added, albeit at a significantly lower level than what you've used so far. This live feedback lets you see where you stand in real-time, adding an extra layer of excitement and challenge.

The remaining subset is kept aside for the grand finale. This approach helps us minimise the risk of overfitting, ensuring that the competition remains fair and robust. At the end of the competition, this second subset takes centre stage to determine the final score and crown the victors.

But here's the kicker: scores can and will change over time. Only the highest net score determines your rank on the leaderboard, encouraging participants to experiment with different strategies. Starting off conservatively with your privacy budget, then becoming more aggressive towards the end could be a game-changing strategy. So be bold, be smart, and let the games begin!